Latvijas Neredzīgo biedrība, teksta versija

Pārslēgties uz pilno mājas lapas versiju
Atvērt izvēlni (vietnes karte) vai meklēt vietnē:

Voluntary work

Support / Voluntary work

We can hardly imagie the existence and development of this world without people volunteering. Volunteering is a recognized and popular form of participation in witch citizens participate in public life- transforming, improving, developing their own and others quality of life.

People choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons. For some it offers the chance to give something back to the community or make a difference to the people around them. For others it provides an opportunity to develop new skills or build on existing experience and knowledge.

What do volunteers do?

  • Assistnace in organizing various cultural events
  • Record audio for magzaine "ROSME"
  • Take visually impaired people to a specific destination (if you have a driving license)
  • Participation in cleaning a territory
  • And other small daily chores..

Atvērt izvēlni (vietnes karte)
Latvijas Neredzīgo biedrība sociālajos tīklos:
Lapas beigas.

2025 © Latvijas Neredzīgo biedrība | mājas lapas teksta versija ekrānlasošām programmām, pārslēgties uz pilno mājas lapas versiju